Tweezerman and Disney full collection with Disney themed tweezers, nail files, nail clippers, and eyelash curler. Tweezerman and Disney full collection with Disney themed tweezers, nail files, nail clippers, and eyelash curler.

Disney's Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Collection

Photo collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the picturesPhoto collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the pictures

Slant Tweezers

Finde Disney's Mickey Mouse und Minnie Mouse zusammen mit dem award-winning Slant Tweezer in unserer Limited Collection. Der Tweezer überzeugt mit handgeschliffenen, perfekt aufeinander abgestimmten Spitzen, mit denen du deine Augenbrauen perfekt und präzise in Shape bringen kannst.

Photo collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the picturesPhoto collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the pictures

Tweezer Sets

Diese Limited Edition Sets sind das perfekte Duo für das Augenbrauen-Shaping unterwegs. Der Slant Tweezer eignet sich perfekt zum Formen der Augenbrauen und der Point Tweezer ist perfekt, um eingewachsene und feine Härchen zu entfernen.


Photo collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the picturesPhoto collage of Tweezerman and Disney collabaration showing products on white blocks as well as a model using the product, with Disney drawings around the pictures

Nail Care

Verwöhne deine Nägel mit einer pflegenden Maniküre! Unsere Disney's Mickey Mouse und Minnie Mouse Nail Care Sets bringen deine Nägel einfach in Form.

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